I for one am super excited that Christmas is coming!! Which I know I blogged about preciously, but am I the only one who still has a ton to do and to shop for? I think I will be so much better after tomorrow, we have our MOPS Christmas tea!! I'm so excited for it! My good friend Sharon is singing and we have a fellow steering team member's mom coming to speak, so we have much to look forward too!!
This weekend we have had a crazy busy weekend!!Tonight Mady is being a sheep in Jayson's Mom's church's Dinner Theatre, yesterday morning we had practice for that, Jayson stayed at practice with Mady girl and Mr. Brycer's and I went did errand running spending some Mommy and Me time! It was crazy b/c life is sooooo easy with just bringing 1 child around!!WE went to walmart to get some things we needed and got gas by the way when I put $25 dollars in my tank of the Explorer it filled it up!! God is good!! it was between empty and a 1/4 of a tank!! Not so bad is it?!!? Then last evening we had our home fellowship CHristmas party!! it was so much fun!! Mady and Bryce had a blast! It was soo nice being with all of our friends and just relaxing enjoying fellowship and some good food!! Then we had Jayson's cousin Georgie come over to babysit so we could attend our friends Annual Christmas party!! we got home from that had a good time and I had to bake 2 happy birthday Jesus cakes for Mady's Sunday School class! ahhh today we had church ad I served at the 10 service with our 1 year old class! but this morning ihad to have some extra time to ice the cakes I made! This afternoon was back to Jayson' mom's church Zion UMC for more practice, Jayson hurt his back, Mady is asleep Brycers just woke and the dinner theatre tonight! Tonight I need to print up the Candy Cane story about how it relates to Jesus and get mini candy canes for the Moppet classes and get everything together for the Tea tomorrow! hopefully we slow down a little bit this week! Although Tuesday night we have the 20 something party and Wednesday evening I have to do some hair! Thursday is Mady's dance class so maybe during the days we have some time to relax also!!! Just writing it down makes me feel a little better it's like i got the craziness off my chest!! You all must think I'm crazy!
On another note the past week or so in my quiet time with the Lord I have been reading over and over the story of the birth of Jesus in Luke and the birth of John the baptist and honestly every time I read the stories whether it be daily or every other day It's like the Lord teaches me something different or God reveals himself more and more to me! It's incredible!
Well I need to get going! I have some laundry I need to put into the dryer and start getting things together for tonight!! Hope you all have a blessed day and praying the Christmas story in Luke touches you as much as it has touched me!!
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Christmas is coming!
Posted by The Striving Homeschool Mom at Sunday, December 14, 2008 1 comments
Thursday, December 4, 2008
So I feel like I haven't blo'gged in forever but honestly there has been a lot going on not stuff for Christmas thats coming up this weekend and then forever after that. It's been crazy just doing every day stuff....I've been babysitting a friend of mine's little boy 4 days a week and things get crazy around here, She goes out on Maternity leave on the 15th so then life may get back to a little normal! It's been great money for Christmas and stuff and I'm going to miss having that cash but I'll be glad that life gets back to normal a little bit, like being able to go out when i want and such!
I haven't done as much Christmas Shopping as I would've liked to by now but I have a few people done and Mady is done, Bryce I still have a few things to get him, and a ton more to go!but I'm not worried it will get done!
Meal planning is going well! I'm excited to have done it for 2 weeks at this point! Ha! I've been praying that the Lord would help me with different aspects of organizing and he has surely helped!!! Jesus has been doing so much in our lives and am so greatufl for all he has done and continues to do!
WE had a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend! WE went up to Ocean Grove and spent it with my parents and family it was awesome! Good food good company! WE got to do things we used to do as a kid, like decorate the church I grew up in St. Pauls' UMC in ocean Grove! IT was so fun to do it again, my parent shave done it since I was a little kid. Mady and bryce came and had fun running round and Mady helped a bit too! Jayson and I did a lot of the lifting and decorating with my mom dad and Aunt Sharon and Uncle bob! It was fun! On Sunday we obviously went to parents church Sunday morning and Brycer's was sitting on my mom's lap and right in front of her was her brother Bob my uncle and Bryce says during the prayer "Bob-Bob" "Bob-Bob" it was so cute and defiantly made my Uncle smile and he sat with him for a while too! fun times!!
Now we are just preparing for the MOPS Christmas Tea! We can't wait! We have some awesome things planned!!! I'm working on getting some give aways together, going to different place and trying to see if they will donate something for our mops group! I'm really excited to hear our friend Deanna's Mom speak! Also my dearest friend Sharon will be singing as well! What an exciting time we have planned!!!
Posted by The Striving Homeschool Mom at Thursday, December 04, 2008 0 comments
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
I absolutely LOVE Christmas!! Other than Easter it's pro bally my most favorite time of year! Jayson also! I love everyone that reminds me of Christmas, cold weather, hymns, lights, church everything! We have been talking alot about what Traditions we want to have with our own (meaning the 4 of us) Christmas this year!! We both grew up in Christan homes and we both having come from large families have alot i mean ALOT of traditions, for example, for those of you who don't know I grew up in a really small town in Central New Jersey called Ocean Grove only 1 square mile! A truly amazing experience! IT's most commonly referred to as God's square Mile, It's by orgin is a Methodist Camp Meeting Association and has been for the last Over 100 years!! Well every Christmas eve for as long as I can remember and pro bally before that we have in our family always had the same traditions, we spend most of the day at church, and after the family service we go home get all bundled up and go to "Fireman's Park" Which is basically in the center of town right on main street, and we all wait for Santa to come in on the fire trucks! Now growing up as a Volunteer Fire Fighters daughter we used to after we were too old to wait for Santa We would ride in with our dad on the trucks and help give out the little gift which is always the same every year an apple, orange, hard candy, and luden's cookies!! they always have hot apple cider there also and we sing hyms and pray and then santa comes in! What a fun time!! Now probably 7 years now my dad is the big guy LOL Santa! It was first really weird for my sister and I but now that I have my own kids I LOVE IT!! After all that excitement, my Parents have a HUGE open house and have tons and tons of friends, family over for a huge buffet dinner of Delicious Italian treats (being that my dad is 100 % Italian) WE can't have anything else but! But it just sooooooo fun!!! Santa always makes an appearance at the house afterward on his way to shut ins and the local nursing homes (there is 2 in OG) anyways its just a ton of fun and a ton of tradition!!
Now with all that Jayson and I have been talking with his sisters and his Parents trying to decided what to do on Christmas day with all of them! WE used to go to their house for breakfast, my mother in law makes homemade sticky buns that they let rise on the wood stove and some amazing casseroles and what not! Just soooooo fun!! But with all 4 kids and all us in laws plus 7 grand kids it gets crazy! Jayson's Aunt and Uncle just moved to North Jersey the last year or so and run a Christan camp up there, so they come down and have 4 kids of their own, and usually his other aunt and uncle come in too!! SO Last year it was insane and we had 2 less grand kids! So the girls and Jayce asked their mom and dad if they would in the morning come by to all of our houses and do a little thing with all of us!! So that lead us to thinking about our own Special activities!!!
We have always felt that Christmas has gotten out of hand as far as the society goes and how others view Christmas but for us it's all about Christ and really we want to give the day to him as always anyways! but I was thinking We still would Love to do Santa, so here's what we came up with!
As far as Christmas morn is concerned Jayson wants me to start doing a big breakfast with our family which truthfully I'm super excited about!! Now for the gifts for our Children, I heard a few years ago at our MOPS group right after I first joined, that the speaker gave each of her children only 3 gifts, because at the manager Jesus received 3 girts, Frankincense, Mehr and Gold! I thought what an awesome Idea, so we decided to do their big gift from Santa so only 1 from Santa and thier stocking and the 3 gifts would be from us! I think its awesome!! I hope that this truly teaches our children that Christmas of course isn't just about gifts!!! It's about our Lord and on this day he was born and becuase of his birth and death we can live forever with him!!
Truthfully also this makes Christmas a whole lot less stressed also, because your not worried about getting a million things and running around! I don't have the time or money!! SO please let me know your thoughts and your own tradtions!!
Blessings to your and your family this Christmas season!!
Posted by The Striving Homeschool Mom at Wednesday, November 19, 2008 4 comments
Monday, November 17, 2008
Meal Planning!
On Facebook, Last week I posted a status saying that I was menu planning, and some responses from my friends and I posted my last week menu items on there and I did the same also this week! I wanted to share with all of you as well!! This week We are a little bit busy so I did little more simple items! Enjoy and let me know what you think!
Monday - Homefellowship, but I'm on main dish tonight, so I'm making 2 things, A quick easy MOPS favorite sauasage cassarole and a French toast cassarole
Sauasage Cassarole
1 lb bulk sauasage such as BOb Evan, or if your like me whatever is one sale!
4 eggs, beaten with salt and pepper splash of milk (like you are making a scramble eggs)
some shredded cheddar/jack cheese( any cheese shredded will do )
1 can of Bisquits, I actually use the one's from Aldi's they are the flacky ones they are the cheapest
brown sausage drain fat, while cooking sausage layer in 13x9 pan the bisquits but split them in half horizontally and but sausage on top, then cover with eggs and top with cheese bake uncovered for the direction on package of bisquits i have made it several times and need to just watch it sometimes it takes a little bit longer!
Tuesday - Leftover ham and homemade mac and cheese and fresh green beans
Wens. - Lasgana roll ups with turkey meat and sausage and ricotta, bread, and a big salad
Thursday, Crock-pot stew
Friday - Homemade pizza
Saturday - Some kind of chicken, I'm not sure what kind but I'll keep u informed
Sunday - we have 2 different thanksgiving meals, One at our church and i'm making stuffing, and then I'm making veggies for Jayson's grandpop's one
ALternate is Taco's! Jayson recommend that I have one alternate which is cool! ENjoy and let me know what you think!
Posted by The Striving Homeschool Mom at Monday, November 17, 2008 0 comments
Friday, November 14, 2008
Wow it's been forever since I have posted! I guess really because there really isn't too much going on! I've been sick, struggling with my asthma and Bronchitis s/p? That's been really tough not being able to breathe or kick the cold I had!! Amongst all of this my poor little man is cutting 3 of his molars! So their has been plenty of interrupted nights of sleep as well! I have recently started babysitting a friends little boy which is great, but a little overwhelming, b/c there still is lots to do around the house lunches to be made, cleaning, laundry, you know all the stuff that it takes to keep up with a house!
Recently I have had such a thirst to grow closer to God yet again! I must be truthful, I have not faithfully been in God's word Like i would have liked to, but I am one of those people that really absorbs it when I'm doing a study along with it, getting me conastly to look harder in his word and search, I don't know if anyone else is like this?! But it certainly works for me!
On Sunday afternoon Jayson and I actually got a chance to head out on alittle date to go see the movie Fireproof! It was incredible! One of the best stories and movies I have seen in a long time!! What an awesome encouragement to have!! Great testimony to God's unfailing love for us, and his will never to give up on us! Regardless! On that note we have been doing our study in our home fellowship group that goes along with the movie and it's awesome! I highly recommended it!
Lately I have really been struggling yet again with my issues of body image, and self worth! I truly know that my true happiness and peace with all my insecurities comes through the Love of Christ, but as a women especially after having my 2 beautiful children, let's just say things have certainly changed! I also think alot has to come with the fact that I haven't been in my exercise routine now for almost 3 weeks due to the bronchitis and breathing! It's been really tough on me and getting so discouraged is also not so much fun! Asking Jesus to help with this as well! Weight has unfortunately always been an issue for me, and Lately as I get a tad bit older it's a little hard to keep under control!! It's just hard subject for me right now! I'm praying that Jesus comforts me in this!
I can't believe it's a little more than a month and my little girl will be turning 4!! Wow how time flies, It always brings a tear to my eyes to think how fast my little ones are growing up! Iam so blessed to have been married to the love of my life true God fearing/wanting to please God man for almost 7 years!
That's all i have to report as this time Hope to be back soon!
Posted by The Striving Homeschool Mom at Friday, November 14, 2008 1 comments
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Election party 2
So as you all know the outcome is Barak Obama! Scary isn't it?! In a way it's neat to have been here for such a historic election and It's very cool to have a black president. But it stops there!! As a Christian I can't help but lift up our country in prayer and pray that our new president seeks God out and pray that he truly has our best interests as Americans in his heart! I mean this election was especially scary for me since my daughter will soon be going to school and I DO NOT want sex education taught to her in Kindergarten! I am PRO LIFE.....as a Christian I believe you cannot be anything other than pro-life! My views are scriptural based. I believe that this country has gone through incredible hard times and we have a long road ahead of us...I'm praying that right decisions are made for us. I do have a sick feeling in my stomach and praying and trusting that God knows what he is doing and finding amazing comfort that regardless who our president is that God is sooooooo much bigger than that!!!
Posted by The Striving Homeschool Mom at Wednesday, November 05, 2008 1 comments
Sunday, November 2, 2008
I can't believe all the talk that is going on about this up coming election. I knew that this was going to be an important election, but as a Christian, that is a Follower of Christ and someone who believes that the BIBLE is directly from the Lord and that it's God breathed I can say without a shadow of a doubt that I WILL be voting for McCain!! I personally feel especially after our Pastor's sermon that if even you are voting on the Abortion issue alone, scripture clearly states how WRONG it is and how much God disproves of it! Here are the major reasons I'm voting for McCain...
Job 31:15 "Did not he who made me in the womb make them? Did not the same one form us both within our mothers?
Psalms 139:13 "For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb."
Isiah 44:2 "This is what the Lord says , he who made you who formed you in the womb and who will help you'"
Leviticus 20:1-5 1 The LORD said to Moses, 2 "Say to the Israelites: 'Any Israelite or any alien living in Israel who gives [a] any of his children to Molech must be put to death. The people of the community are to stone him. 3 I will set my face against that man and I will cut him off from his people; for by giving his children to Molech, he has defiled my sanctuary and profaned my holy name. 4 If the people of the community close their eyes when that man gives one of his children to Molech and they fail to put him to death, 5 I will set my face against that man and his family and will cut off from their people both him and all who follow him in prostituting themselves to Molech.
Jeremiah 20:17 "17 For he did not kill me in the womb,
with my mother as my grave,
her womb enlarged forever.
2Kings 8:12 12 "Why is my lord weeping?" asked Hazael.
"Because I know the harm you will do to the Israelites," he answered. "You will set fire to their fortified places, kill their young men with the sword, dash their little children to the ground, and rip open their pregnant women."
Romans 1: 28-32 "28Furthermore, since they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, he gave them over to a depraved mind, to do what ought not to be done. 29They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, 30slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents; 31they are senseless, faithless, heartless, ruthless. 32Although they know God's righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them.
These are some of the passages our pastor gave us! Most of them are on the Abortion topic. I can't even go in to the marriage aspect. Please...As I am sitting her typing this Jayson and I have on God Tv and we are watching the election special they have on and I must say it is awesome! They are encouraging people to pray and fast over the election, I do know that People will be praying and I hope all of you just search God and seek his heart! Not only in this election, but also in everyday becuase reguarless of the outcome GOd is the one who will stay constant and never changing, Let's face it neither one is perfect by anymeans and I agree with every single thing McCain says either, but Biblical I don't feel there is any other option!! I'm praying that you truly seek God and that this country truly seeks the truth!
Posted by The Striving Homeschool Mom at Sunday, November 02, 2008 0 comments
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
XBOX Wife Ten Things Tuesday" src="http://i292.photobucket.com/albums/mm15/xboxwife/tenthingstuesdayquestionmark-1.jpg" border="0">
Another week is upon us!! It has been a good but tiring week! We all have been fighting off colds and not feeling well! But We serve an Awesome God who keeps us going!!!
1.) I'm thankful for the colds we have been fighting! Even though we haven't felt well it's been fun just hanging around the house spending time together!
2.) Especially thankful for Kleenex and Tylenol Cold! It's helped me get through to subside my symptoms so I can tend to the kids!!
3.) I'm thankful that my husband is going to the doctor this afternoon so he can get something to make him feel better!
4.) I'm so thankful for an awesome service at church yesterday check out our church at www.shorefellowship.com! It was an awesome series called "the Pretenders" Pastor Tim did a great job!
5.) I'm so excited that our church has a harvest party this Friday night! A safe place where the kids can dress up and play games, with good friends and fellowship!
6.) Even though it's rainy I'm thankful for a cool fall day! I do love fall so much!
7.) I'm so thankful and excited that one of my best friends is engaged to Jayson's cousin! Welcome to the family Misty! Finally another Mrs. Aspenberg!!
8.) I'm so thankful for our home fellowship group we started a new study that goes along with the movie Fireproof! so excited it was a great meeting and fellowship Last night!
9.) I'm even more thankful for good friends!!!!!!!!
10.) the Last shall be first and the first shall be last! I'm so Thankful for our Lord and Savior Jesus!!!!!!! Lord I am so thankful for you being my Savior, my father, and my friend!
Posted by The Striving Homeschool Mom at Tuesday, October 28, 2008 0 comments
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Another week is upon us! Oh how time is flying these days! Here's my list!
1.) I am so thankful for a successful pumpkin picking day with the other Mommies at MOPS yesterday!! (some pic in the blog underneath) We all had an awesome time!
2.) This is going to be selfish so please forgive me but I'm so thankful for my 1 hour away to get a new hair cut!! I've lost a little weight and wanted to go to my old stylish ways before kids LOL!!
3.) I am soo thankful for these cool brisk days! The kids are having so much fun playing in the leaves and enjoying the time playing outside instead of sweating and getting eaten up by those pesky jersey bugs!
4.) I'm am sooo thankful for the night chats my hubby and I have been having! It's so nice to connect with him w/o the interuptions of the kiddies!
5.) I'm so thankful for the bills that need to be paid for that just deepens my faith in God and Knowing that with him All things are possible!
6.) I'm so thankful for our home! It's perfect for our family !! There's no place like home!
7.) I'm thankful for the couple nights I had of sleep since I have a 15 month old who is teething!!
8.) I'm so thankful for coffee and vitamens!
9.) I'm so thankful for my family!!1
10.) I'm so thankful for all my husband does for our family he is simply the best! All the time he spends between work and the kids and me! I love him endlessly!
Posted by The Striving Homeschool Mom at Tuesday, October 21, 2008 0 comments
Monday, October 20, 2008
Pumpkin Patch!
Hey all! This morning with our MOPS (mothers of preschoolers) group from our church we went to a Pumpkin Farm, went on a hay ride, a corn maze, picked pumkins and had a picnic lunch! We had a blast! I wanted to share some pictures of that and a pick of my new hair cut!! I love it!
Posted by The Striving Homeschool Mom at Monday, October 20, 2008 0 comments
Friday, October 17, 2008
Finally Friday!
Ahh It's finally Friday! It's been a long, yet quite busy week! It seemed like we had something everyday!! This morning I'm hanging around the house finishing up some laundry for the weekend, tiding up a bit and trying to figure out what to do this weekend! I'm hoping to go to a pumpkin patch, although, I'm not sure if we should, b/c on Monday we are going to a local farm for MOPS, so I'll see! I just love the fall! All it's crazy weather also! Or maybe it's just New Jersey Crazy weather!! Either way this is just my most favorite time of year!! Yesterday it was 84 degrees here and this morning I looked at the weather it's on a high of 61! Now that's my kind of weather! On Wednesday we went to our Wednesday Wave class at church where we are studying David, and mainly in 1st Samuel! I have so enjoyed it! I learn so much each week and it truly challenges me to dive in to God's word and just be so wrapped up in it and Love It!! This up coming week I hope to make more of my Hair bows to get ready for our Vendor's sale for MOPS. I have started making them mainly for my daugther because I was sick and tired of not finding any cute ones, but I have given them as gifts and everyone seems to like them, so we will see! I do enjoy making them!
I have also had a challenging week! I had a roller coaster of emotions! I have trying sometimes a little more successful than others but just turning to Jesus and giving it to him. Also like David did the Psalms, I have been just laying it all down and telling him exactly how I feel! He already knows what's going on with us anyways so it's much easier not to sugar coat it and express all of our emotions! I tried writing a Psalm this week as well and I must say It was fun! i don't know how non-believers do it! Some days the only way I know I make it through is by Jesus!!
On a more positive note Jayson is coming home early this afternoon from work! I'm super excited about it!! It's like he has a bit of a longer weekend! I hope you al have a wonderful weekend!! Enjoy all of God's wonderful blessings in your life! They are all gifts and I think to often we take for granted all the things that happen day in and day out!
Posted by The Striving Homeschool Mom at Friday, October 17, 2008 0 comments
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Here we are another Tuesday and I'm excited to follow in Mrs. Brownstones' footsteps and follow doing the "Yet I"!!
1.) I'm a sinner Yet I'm thankful for God's everlasting Love and his endless grace!
2.) So sad my husband has to struggle with depression and so hard to watch him struggle Yet I praise Jesus for him and for giving him this incredible gift of Compassion!
3.) I'm so discrougaged today Yet I'm praising you Jesus because I know you will get us through!
4.) I'm struggling keep my spirits up with Jayson so down, but Yet I'm thankful I'm looking to you Jesus!
5.) The living room is a mess Yet I'm thankful for my super cleaning yesteday and God's hearing my prayers!
6.) I can't believe this year's allergies issues for me and the kids Yet I'm sooooo thankful it's fall!!!
7.) I Have so much, I feel like I take a ton of things for granted Yet I'm so thankful Jesus knows my heart and knows how much I really Love Him!!
8.) I have been waiting to buy this push car thingie for my son Yet I'm soo thankful God keeping me Patiant and not running out and just buying it because I got it in the trash! ( I know that sounds gross but believe me I clean it well before I let any of our little fingers on it!!) but also supplies our wants!
9.) I have been searching for curtians for our bedroom and curtian rods' but couldnt find anything I have liked Yet this weekend my girlfriend gave me me some and they are exactly what I was looking for and didn't know how well they work in our bedroom! I found curtain rods rod Iron looking ones for only $5 !! Love good deals!!
10.) Can't believe I try to handle things on my own! Yet I'm so thankful I have a Loving God that carries me through tough times!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry my list wasn't as cheery as it usually is! We are going through a rough time right now and I'm seeking and reaching out to Jesus because I KNOW he is going to get us through it!!! He's the only one who remains the same and is conastly lifting us up! We love you Lord Thank-You for always being here!
Posted by The Striving Homeschool Mom at Tuesday, October 14, 2008 0 comments
Monday, October 13, 2008
What a Fun Weekend!
We had an awesome FALL weekend we had! We went up to visit my family in Ocean Grove! We were lucky to have have Jayson's parents come up and his 2 sisters also! It was a blast! My dad was head of this Surf and Turf cook-off and Jayson was his right hand man and they had an awesome time! Then on Main street they had a fall crafter's kind of thing it was fun! The blocked off most of it and it was fun to walk around and had a blast! We were also able to go visit My Pop-Pop which we alway senjoy and I love that the kids get to see him and he gets to see them!! Please remember him in your prayers! Then on Sunday we got to worship at the church I grew up at!! Fun! Sunday afternoon was fun also! I did hair for one of my dearest girlfriends! She's almost like my big sister! I have always gone to her with just about everything and she is constantly been their and we just ahvea great times! Her kids are a little bit older than mine so they acutally are at the ages that her youngest and my oldest play and then the other 2 girls she has loves playing with Bryce! I love to be home but sad to be home! You have to get back into the grove of things! I'm so thankful for doctor's reminder calls! Somehow I totally missed the fact that Bryce has his 15 month appointment today! LOL so I'm off to that this morning as well as all the laundry, cleaning and unpacking that needs to be done after being away fora few days! It never fails! there is always something right?? Well Have a blessed day!!
Posted by The Striving Homeschool Mom at Monday, October 13, 2008 0 comments
Tuesday, October 7, 2008

10 Things Tuesday!
I must say I look forward to this every week! It always reminds me to thank Our Lord for all the many wonderful things he has so graciously given to us!
1.) For such a fun and successful Mops yesterday! I'm so glad our Spa day went well! I was really looking forward to encouraging all the Mommies to spend some much needed time with the Lord! What a fun day! Thank you Jesus!
2.) For My hubby and all he does working 11 hour days so we can go away this weekend and he can take Friday off!
3.) So excited to spend the weekend at My parents!! Jayson is helping my dad with the town Fall Festival/Chili cook off! we are all so excited!
4.) My in-laws and one of Jayson's sisters are coming up and spending time this weekend with all of us! We are super excited!
5.) For my kids and how they always reminded me to have some fun! I truly enjoy them they are one life's Greatest blessings!
6.) For my girlfriends! All of them are amazing and I'm so grateful for each one of them! They are my best friends!!!
7.) For a day to just stay home and get things done! I have quite the catching up to do but a cool day is the perfect day to do it all in!!
8.) A friend of Mady's from dance class's dad (if that makes any sense?!) is able to fix our car it needs a left wheel bearing and is able to do it for a lot less then we were looking to spend! God is good!
9.)For home cooked yummy meals! I'm so excited for Lasagna tonight!!! Yumm!!!!!!!1
10.) Again for GOD's Love and grace I always am thankful for that! He love for all of us simply amazes me!!!
I hope everyone has a great day and remember to stop and Thank Jesus!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by The Striving Homeschool Mom at Tuesday, October 07, 2008 1 comments
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
I can't believe another Tuesday is here again! These weeks are flying by!! I love that this reminds me to thank God for all he has given to us! Enjoy!
1.) My husband, and children!
2.) For the play area in the mall, It's a nice free Alternative for winter and being able to get out of the house! (even though it's not quite winter yet we were there yesterday!)
3.) For both our families! I truly treasure my sister and all of his, They are all my best friends!
4.) For my dearest friends, they are always here !!
5.) For constantly knowing that God is in control!
6.) I seriously can't get enough of all this beautiful cool weather!!!!
7.) I've started making hair bows as a hobby for Mady and her friends! I was sick and tired of not being able to find cute ones for her!!
8.) For ordinary days! I love just going around and just enjoying days that have no plans what so ever! except u know laundry, meals, beds to be made and laundry to be done! I love it!
9.) I'm very excited and thankful for 1st Wednesdays services It's an awesome time to just sing praises to God and to have communion as a church family!
10.) For a hot cup of coffee and the bible does a morning get any better than that??
Posted by The Striving Homeschool Mom at Tuesday, September 30, 2008 5 comments
Saturday, September 27, 2008
I just love days like this!!!
Fall I must say I just love Fall!!! I know I have probably metioned it like a 100 times by now, but today was such a fun day!! We live in a somewhat small town and we have a little main street with a park and today they had a Fall Festival, some food, vendors, a little train/tracker ride and despite of the overcast, it was so much fun! My parents came down which was so much fun to spend time with them, and we met Jayson's sisters Kerry and her family and Grace and her family and got to spend a little bit of time together! Mady was so happy to ride the train with Johnny and they got to play and walk around together!!! Then we just came home played outside a bit and then we were able to play take a walk and have some quality time with my Parents!! Did I metion that My Bryson is WALKING!!!!!!! It's so cute!!!! He is so excited and is getting more and more steady every day!! I must say I was not completely encouraging it when he was just a year but he is so ready now and has just taken off! You mommies of more than one understand what I mean but not ready to chase another so quickly!! I just had to blog about this wonderful day we had!!! It was so fun looking forward to more days like this to come!! I am so ready to go worship tomorrow!! I love worshiping Jesus! I can't wait to dig in to scripture some more!! I also am serving tomorrow in Nursery I do enjoy being with the "Turtles" We have so many people at church we had to split the nursery into 3 different rooms the first one is "Guppies" which is up to 1 year and then Turtles 1-2 and Starfish 2 years!! Then they move to the children's ministry building and they go on form there! So I'm blessed to be with those little ones! God is so good!! I hope everyone has a great night and I so hope you enjoy worshipping as much as we do God Bless!
Posted by The Striving Homeschool Mom at Saturday, September 27, 2008 0 comments
Thursday, September 25, 2008
One of those days!?!?
I have had quite the crazy day!! Lazy in a sense but Crazy if that makes sense!! I started off the day but doing my daily things like breakfast, getting the kids and myself dressed (in sweats due to the rainy cool fall weather!) Today being that it's Thursday It's sheet day and bathroom day...Then I was feeling incredibly ambitious and switched Mady's summer/fall cloths! wow that was a project especially since both kids were playing upstairs in the midst of all of this!! The I decided to tackle the dreaded laundry that i needed to put away in our bedroom!! So I actually was able to do all of that in the morning and manage to get to my friend Amy's house by 1:40 to get her Jaxon off the bus!! Stay with him till she got home at 3 and then get home and get Mady ready for Dance cook dinner and somehow cleanup some other things! This crazy day has me thinking about how i can't get through these days talking to Jesus! Also Our car has been making this weird what i call sound/noise and Jayce and my father in law thought it was the transmition, and this is God keeping us close to him and saving our wallets also, A friend of mine from Mady's dance whom we were in class last year and her husband happened to be there tonight, and he usually isn't anyways to make a long story short he's a mechanic and he works out of his home for friends and family and he is the manager at Saturn for the shop, so he tested the car with me during dance and he said it was the wheel bearing on the left side not the transmission! Got the price of the part and is only charging us like 100 bux for the labor! Thank you Jesus! It's alot cheaper then what we thought! See someway or another God always ALWAYS takes care of us! Being a stay at home mom is rough financially but is so worth every scarfice you have to make! I praise Jesus for the chance to stay at home and be with my children and take care of my husband he's an amazing father, provider, he has compassion, strength and courage that goes beyond words! I'm so blessed to have him in my life but espeically as my husband! Well I just thought I would share about what's been on my heart tonight as I unwind from my day! Enjoy!! God Bless!
Posted by The Striving Homeschool Mom at Thursday, September 25, 2008 0 comments
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
10 things Tuesday!
It's that time again! I so enjoy this !!!
1.) I am so thankful that Mady is back taking dance class! She loves it so much!!
2.) I am thankful for being able to take nice long walks in the morning while it is so cool out!!
3.) I love being able to play outside without bugs!!!
4.) I am so thankful for My husband for all he does to provide for our family and all his hard work this weekend in the yard!! It' looks amazing!!!!!!!!!!!
5.)Being able to enjoy a nice cup of coffee this morning outside at the picnic table while the kids played out back!!
6.) For being able to go out and walk in the morning everyone was up early!!
7.) For the gift of children and all the joy they bring to my life!
8.) For all our committed Moms we have on the steering team with us for Mops it's going to be awesome year!!
9.) For cloth diapers! They have saved us so much money!!
10.) For a personal Relationship with Jesus! Something none of us really deserve but through him we have the gift of eternal life! I couldn't get through my days without him
Posted by The Striving Homeschool Mom at Tuesday, September 23, 2008 4 comments
Thursday, September 18, 2008
A little sleep today!
Well it's almost 12:30 in the afternoon and here I am still in my PJ's my Mr. Bryson has a cold and was up like crazy last night and as soon as I got him settled around 1, then my Mady girl woke up who like never ever wakes up! Since it's been absolutely gorgeous out I have had the window's open and her allergies are driving her nuts she gets this cough from the dripping and it keeps her up! SO there we sat on the couch watching Wow Wow Wubbzy on Noggin' last night at 1 am! She was on the couch and I on the love seat trying to catch some z's OH well whatcha going to do!! That's a life of a mom!!! Since it's Thursday it's sheet and towel day in my house! So I have the sheets in the washer waiting for them to stop spinning to hang them on the line and Bryce is down for his nap! Then I'm off to clean my bathrooms!! Its the day for that as well! I had all these things I wanted to do like exercise which i think after lunch I will take the kids round our development and down to the play ground and then Madyson has her 1st dance class of the year today! She's so excited to start again and I can't wait to see her start up again she loves it!! I thought since i do 10 things to be thankful for on Tuesdays I would start this 13 things Thursday
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Posted by The Striving Homeschool Mom at Thursday, September 18, 2008 0 comments
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
10 Things Tuesday!!
Here we are and another week! I have so much to be thankful for this week!!
1.) Yesterday was our 1st MOPS (mothers of preschoolers) at church and my 1st year as co-coordinator and we had 28 Moms out! What a turnout!
2.) Praising Jesus for the cooler weather! Fall is coming!
3.) An awesome day at church on God is soo good!
4.) For God always providing what we need even when money is sooo tight!
5.) For the sunday school teachers at our church Madyson learns so much and this week she told us all about David and Beolith (Goliath!) she says it like that !
6.) For my amazing friends and how greatful I am to have so many girls in my life!
7.) For my kids and how the light up my life!
8.) For being able to hang my wash outside and not wasting energy/adding to the electric bill!
9.) Bryson is just about walking now! So cute to see his little face light up as Jayson and I have him walk non-stop between us!
10.) For Jesus being so real in our lives and his constant and everlasting love!
Posted by The Striving Homeschool Mom at Tuesday, September 16, 2008 2 comments
Thursday, September 11, 2008
We go to an amazing church if you have time check out the website www.shorefellowship.com, we have been attending for about 3 years now! They have classes you can take called Wednesday Wave classes , so Jayson and I signed up, last semester we took Parenting 101 incredible, taught by Pastor Steven who is our family minister, this semester we are taking a class on David, lead by our head pastor's wife Donna....On a side note can I just tell you how in love with Jesus she is, she is such a God fearing loving women, she's awesome. We were completely blown away with the class. Now I have read the Psalms many times before but I must say I am in love with them now...If you don't know much about David here are just some basics:
*he was Jesse's son
*He slayed Goliath
*Bold, he was chosen by God to be king
*he was the youngest of 7 brothers
*Saul's personal Musician
*Man after God's own heart,
Lastly who can forget Bathsheba
Basically these are thing we know from Sunday school basics but a lot of times people don't know so I thought I would share. Now some things I didn't know, Did you know that more space was devoted to David than to anyone else in the bible? He has 66 Chapters devoted to him alone, Jacob had 11 and Eli had 10. Also That David was born in Bethlehem, and had a lot of similarities to Christ as well. The main thing that hit me last night and it was such a "God" moment for me was that Donna said that most biblical scholars believe that David suffered from Clinical Depression. Most of you probally don't know this but my husband suffers from Clinical Depression so this hit us like a ton of bricks. I am so thankful that God directed us to this class for that alone reason! I must say we were debating on a few classes and we prayed over then and both Jayson and I felt like God was directing us both to attend this one. The other classes we thought would be interesting, was Pastor Bill was speaking on the End times, Pastor Todd was doing the sermon on the mount, Pastor Steve was doing a class on the marriage you've always was wanted....So we mainly we deciding between the end times one and this one so we prayed over it and God directed us here! Last night we we went into 1 Samuel as well and that is another awesome book, it give you some background on David so it was awesome to refresh as well! I was just so refreshed and so excited to be with God as we read and studied last night, I can't wait to see what God has planned for us through this next 9 weeks!
On a side note things here have been great! Lately I have really been debating whether or not to start using Cloth diapers and wipes, I have seriously been praying over it because not to mention the cost factor but for Bryce his poor skin is so sensitive and has eczema pretty bad I wanted to see if this would make a difference, my doctor suggested it, so I prayed about it and started talking with some friends about it and Heather C. really helped me out and gave me some awesome pointers! It's been about 3 days since I have used them and it has been working out great! I hang my wash so It's been nice to do this, I feel like I'm honoring God by saving money and the environment not to mention Bryce's skin as well! Also I must say I LOVE making and using the wipes it's so simple I wish I did it earlier!! Other than that thins are great hear and I am so grateful to Jesus for all the many blessings he has given us but today I am most thankful for My husband and children, they are such a treasure from him and I feel so blessed to have them and to be sharing life with them!
Also being today is 9/11 I have been thinking a lot about the events that took place 7 years ago today, I remember being engaged to Jayson and we were planning our wedding and it was like time stood still on this day....Please say a prayer for the widows/family members of all those people who lost their lives 7 years ago today!
Have a great day in Christ!
Posted by The Striving Homeschool Mom at Thursday, September 11, 2008 0 comments
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Ten Things Tuesday!
What an awesome idea, I stumbled on this awesome blog from a friend of mine, Heather, so I'm going to do the 10 things Tuesday every Tuesday!
1.) I am so thankful for Jesus!
2.) I'm so thankful that I have 4 hair clients this week!
3.) So excited that our MOPS group starts up this week and praying God opens the hearts of the mom's who are coming out this year!
4.) Thankful for my little girl Madyson, she is my Little helper and continues to help me with all aspects of the day! I love you sweetie!
5.) I'm thankful for my son Bryson who is 14 months and just always puts a smile on my face with his smile that he has all day long!
6.) For my husband and how he works so hard and when he comes home he spends so much time with our kids!
7.) Thankful for such a fun day I had yesterday with my sister! She's the best and am so grateful she can come down and spend time with me and the kiddies!!
8.) Is thankful for the rain we had this weekend and hopefully will be having this evening!
9.) Is so thankful for God giving me motivation to start my weight watchers again!!
10.) I'm so thankful for being able to have awesome friends in my life!!
Posted by The Striving Homeschool Mom at Tuesday, September 09, 2008 2 comments
Monday, September 8, 2008
What a fun weekend!!
I absolutely love weekend's where you don't have anything planned yet things come up and you end up having such a fun weekend. On Saturday one of my best friends, Misty came over and spend the whole afternoon just lounging around and spending some much needed girl time together! Jayson got to take a nap, which he loved, and the kids just played happily/slept through the afternoon! It was a horrible day outside, it poured on and off throughout to whole day! Then Rich came over who is Misty's boyfriend/Jaysons cousin! So it was a fun dinner! On Sunday we went to church, can I just say how incredible our church is check out the website www.shorefellowship.com, I so enjoyed worhsipping Jesus and spending some time with our church family and listening to our Pastor Preach it was awesome! We've recently got a new worship leader and he is incredible! Yesterday afternoon did I mention I napped?? How did that happen?? My sweet hubby graciously gave me some time to myself and I enjoyed it so much!!! Then for dinner we went to our good friends Dave and Amy's house! Love them, we had so much fun just chilling out and relaxing not to mention the kids had a blast too! We have a busy week ahead of us but it should be a good one, I am looking forward to my sister coming down for a visit today so that should be fun , doing lots of hair this week 2 clients on Tuesday and 2 on Friday, Wednesday wave classes start up this week at church, we are signed up to do a study with our Pastor's wife on Daniel and the Psalms which I am really excited about! She is awesome!! So that is our weekend round up! Have a blessed week!!
Posted by The Striving Homeschool Mom at Monday, September 08, 2008 0 comments
Friday, September 5, 2008
Is it Sept. Already?
Wow! I can't believe we are into Sept. Already! This summer has surely been a whirl wind....God has been so good! He has provided an awesome new opprotunity for Jayson and work which is such a huge blessing! He finally has a normal Monday-Friday 8-4:30. It's so much better for him and for our family! We had such a fun summer! Spent lots of time in my hometown of Ocean Grove, Celebrated Bryson's 1st birthday which I can't beleive, made some fun memories, new friends in our neighborhood, Grown closer to the Lord, grown closer as a family, Jayson's sister Kerry had a little baby girl Isabella, So much has happened in such a short amount of time! Now for the kids
Madyson has grown up in such a little amount of time, she had a blast this summer spending time at the cove, swimming at Nanies house, spending time at Mom-Mom's and Pop-Pop's , playing with her friends, Summer Princess Fairy Dance class........She especially excited that she is not the only girl on the Aspenberg side of the family! She absolutly adores her little new cousin Isabella and can't wait for her to start playing with dolls and put hair bows in her hair and paint her little nails! LOL I keep telling her it's going to be a long while until she will be able to do the nails! Madyson is like my little friend, we have Mady and Mommy time during the day when Bryce is taking his nap and she is such a help around the house! In the next few week I will be sorta homeschooling her preschool stuff during the year! I want to start teaching her more of her letters and do some art projects as well! We have a fun year ahead of us!
Bryson is such a fun little man! He is so sweet and is getting to be so much fun! He is almost 14 months old now and is almost walking! He has been taking steps now for almost 2 weeks but is a bit lazy about it! I must say I haven't been pushing him, I must say that I enjoy having my baby!! He always has smile on his face and says quite a bit, he say row row for the song "row row row your boat" and at the end of the song he says yeah and is claps his hands, he says ma for Madyson, Dadda, Momma, Boat, What's that?, ju for juice i think hes says alot for his age and it seems like he says a new word every few days!
I've been praying/researching on cloth diapering for him and "making" my own wipes! Bryce has such sensitive skin and I want to try to save money where I can and Ifeel like God has convicted me of this so I'll keep you posted on how things go, but I'm excited to try this and I firgure I hang my own laundry anways so it wont' be to bad! I have talked to my friends who cloth diaper and have researched it quite a bit, so please pray for me!
I've started a new devotional in the book of Isaiah and can't wait for what God is going to be teaching me through this study! It an exciting time! Also I am super excited for Mops to start I'm Co-Coordinator this year with a good friend of mine Liz, and we have some aweosme things planned! I've been diligently praying for the mom's that come out this year and hope/pray that God Brings some women to him, and strengthen others in the walk with him as well! I pray that this minsitry will Glorify him in all that we do!
We have so much to be thankful for and Thank him everyday for all he had done for us! Thanks for keeping intouch with our family ! I'll be writing soon stay tuned!!!
Posted by The Striving Homeschool Mom at Friday, September 05, 2008 0 comments
Saturday, July 12, 2008
so .....
So it's a Saturday night and as a Mom I have/had big plans this evening, LOL NOT well if big plans you consider Watering the plants/vegetable garden, bathing 2 children, and ready books and prayers and cleaning up dinner unloading the dishwasher, showering myself before church tomorrow....well then Yes I have big plans, but as for others this probably sounds quite boring, but in fact it just the life of a mom! I must say though I am super excited about church tomorrow, our Pastor is starting a new series tomorrow "Shore at the movies" check it out at www.shorefellowship.com. He is taking popular movies titles that are out right now and relating them to the Bible/biblical principles! Should be lots of fun! Always excited to see what God has layed on the hearts of our pastors! This last series was incredibly inspiring, it was called One Prayer...you may check that out also on either our church website/the www.Oneprayer.com it was amazing!! I can't believe its the almost the middle of July already!! I hope to spend more days at the lake/beach with the kids, and possibly having a much needed date night alone with my husband! Praying God will provide an opportunity for us to get away for a little bit, but will see! Well I'm off to put my Madyson to bed, Bryce is already asleep! Hope all have a great night is blessed tomorrow as you go to your own church!!
Posted by The Striving Homeschool Mom at Saturday, July 12, 2008 0 comments
Thursday, July 3, 2008
My Baby Boy Turns One :-(
So Tonight...well tomorrow morning at 12:28 am will be My Bryson's 1st Birthday! I must say I have tears in my eyes while I'm writing this! It's so sad today because I can't believe a whole year has gone by already! Oh My how time just flies!! I'm so thankful to Jesus for Blessing us with both our children but on July 4th espeically my Bryson! He has brought such incredible Joy to our lives and is such a joy to be around! He is not quite walking yet but has begun walking around furniture for the last few weeks and just recently is enjoying being walked but us around the house and out places! He is so incredibly happy and just so sweet and cudily! He is for sure a Mommy's boy and still enjoys nursing quite a bit as well! I'm in no rush to give it up though so It works for me! He says Momma, Dadda, Ma for Madyson, nannnnna for bannanna , Nana, and gibber gabbers all the time as well! So Happy Birthday to my Big BOy! We love you sooo much and am so greatful for you and How you have blessed our lives!!! We can't wiat for your 1st birthday party sunday!! xoxo
Posted by The Striving Homeschool Mom at Thursday, July 03, 2008 0 comments
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Big things!
HI all! It's been a while once again! Big things have happened with the kiddies since I last wrote! Maydson is quite the little girl! This past weekend we had the privilege of watching her in her very 1st dance recital!!! It was so awesome! It completely brought me to tears watching her up there on stage totally busting a move! She went out there and did such a great job!! I'll be posting some pictures soon! And if i can ever figure out how to youtube it I will!!! Bryson has started doing standing and walking along the furniture! He also has started shaking his head "no" we play this game and we do "Yes and no" He also does so big and is starting clapping and waving also! He is quite the little talkative guy! It's so funny because as soon as you put him in his high chair he starts screaming laughing and talking!!! It's so funny! He also is loving his bath! From the second he goes in until the second gets out he splashes!!! It's getting so easy not that they both bathe together! Today is also his 11 month birthday! It's hard to believe almost a year has gone by! It makes me a little sad to think he's getting so big! My baby is almost not a baby anymore!!! But he's turning into such a fun little man! It's so exciting because now it seems as though he does something new everyday! He also has these adorable curls in the back of his hair! Fun Fun! Madyson is signed up for summer dance class and she's doing a 6 week program and she's in the Princess Fairy class with her teacher who she adores and that's Ms. Holly! She's great with the kids! The funniest thing about it is she went to grammer school and high school with Jayson! Talk about a small world!! We are facing some other challenges right now, but am totally trusting the Lord on these things and scared in some ways yet excited in other ways to see where God may take us! I know he has amazing things planned for us , but are learning more and more just to give it up and trust him! This weekend we will have a fun filled weekend We are going to good friends of ours wedding this weekend Tony and Jenna on Saturday and on Sunday is Jayson's 30th birthday!! We aren't having anything to big, but some friends and family over for a dessert party to celebrate!!! Should be a lot of fun! WE are looking forward to spend time together with everyone!! Well there is an update on what's been going on in our lives! i hope to post more things soon!! God Bless you and remember FROG (Fully Rely On God!) xoxo
Posted by The Striving Homeschool Mom at Tuesday, June 03, 2008 0 comments
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
it's been while!
Posted by The Striving Homeschool Mom at Tuesday, April 15, 2008 0 comments
Friday, March 21, 2008
Good Friday!
Posted by The Striving Homeschool Mom at Friday, March 21, 2008 1 comments
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
so long since last post!
Hello everyone! Man it's been a while! Let's see so much has happened since I last wrote, let me get your caught up on the kiddies! My Madyson turned 3 at the end of December! Man does time fly! She is an absolute joy and such an incredible little girl! She is all girl! She loves to play dress up and dolls, barbies, picking out her own cloths and absoutly is a cuddle bug! She is such a blessing to everyone! She goes to dance class every thursday from 4-5 and loves it!!! She surely is my little helper also! She helps me with laundry dinner, she loves to set the table! Loves her little brother also! Bryson who we call either Bryce or Brycers is now 8 1/2 months old! Is absolutly love ! Let's see he eats 3 meals of babyfood a day mostly homemade, but still is addicited to nursing, sometimes he would rather nurse then eat food, and he has in the last 2 weeks started crawling fowards...he has been crawling backwards for quite some time, but man he has taken off! We live in a split level house so it was quite a challenge to find a gate that would fit our stairs! But luckily we did just in the nick of time! He is into everything! he climbs up on the entertainment s/p center and tries to pull him self up or gets in to the video drawer...gotta watch everything he does he also is getting to be not so good of a sleeper these days, I think he may be trying to cute a tooth! On his 8 month bday we got our first tooth on the bottom so exciting! He talks all the time he says dadda momma (very rarely) nana, and makes all kinds of funny noises with is mouth! At his last well doctors visit (6 months) on Jan. 4ths he weighed in at 22 lbs 2 oz. He is in the 98% percentile and he had a sick visit in the middle of last month for an ear infection and he was up to 23 lbs 2 oz so in a little over a month he is still gaining steadily! Let's see I've been having fun with friends from church, keeping the house going, and doing some hair aswell! I'm on the steering team for mops at our church (mothers of preschoolers) and that is going really well! We just had our MOps swap which was fun, you bring things you no longer want nor need and you swap with other moms, so its a good way to recyle your things as well as get somethings you may want or need! On friday we have our annual Easter Egg hunt and lunch! Jayson is keeping busy with work and school and helps out on the media department at church, Here's our church website aswell check it out, www.shorefellowship.com and we just found our that our church is going to metioned in an upcoming book coming out next mont I believe called "Pop Goes the Church" so exciting! In the last month God has been teaching me alot, espeically about time management...Puting things first but yet always getting everything done, and that such a good feeling espeically with 2 kids its hard at times! The other thing the Lord has been laying on my heart is a challenge that our pastor gave us a little over a month ago ... in one of his sermons he gave u s a "who's your in your 5" card. It's kinda like the T mobile commericals that say you can call any 5 people on any network for free, well he gave us a sheet that looked just like the one on the comerical and said who are five people you can invest in, 5 people you can pray for daily invest in their lives and get to know better and bring them out to chruch .....so I prayed and I put 5 people on my list....in a couple months God has not only reminded me pray for them, helped me find time to invest in them, and 4 of them have been out to church. One just this last week! It's so amazing the opprotunities God gives you! He is such an awesome God!!! I have learned to trust God so much through this. A few people I was scared to write down simply because I didnt know if I had the boldness......but through prayer God has not only provided the opprotunities to let his light shine, but giving me the right words to say and has put verses in my mind that I didnt even knew I remembered!! God is so good!!! Well dinner is ready so I better get going! HOpe God is doing as many amazing things in your life as he has in ours! God Bless!!
Posted by The Striving Homeschool Mom at Wednesday, March 19, 2008 0 comments
Friday, January 25, 2008
Wow It's been a while!
Wow it's been a while! I hope everyone had a wonderful Blessed Christmas! We sure did! God has been so good to us and remains so constant in our lives! Mady is now a big 3 and Bryce is now almost 7 months! Oh my how the time seems to fly! Things have been a little rough financially but God seems to meet us there every time! When things get rough God seems to be there and meet us just where we need! He never ceases to amaze us! My kids are so amazing and continue to teach me! Ever wonder why there isn't enough time in the day to get all the things done that need to be done! I never did until our little ones came along! Each day I am learning more and more how to meet the needs of my hubby and kids! I also through all this have in return have been learning so much about myself as well! Right now I am praying about how to simplify my life even more to try to cut costs! I love being home and am willing to do whatever it takes to stay home! I feel like half the problems with kids is there isn't parents around enough to be there and time for them, that kids are able to do what they want when they want! Jayson and I have a strong belief in that! Well I will blog more later Bryce is down for his morning nap and I'm dying to take a nap!!! God Bless!!!
Posted by The Striving Homeschool Mom at Friday, January 25, 2008 0 comments