Tis' the season to be super busy! I don't think I am the only person that feels the pressure of the season am I? But I just had to share this ... Yesterday I was sitting on the couch folding my ever Large mound of clean cloths while my 2 littlest ones were happily playing on the floor in front of me and listening to some Christmas music on Pandora. Bryce had his trains and cars out and happily zipping all over the floor between the Living room dining room and Kitchen. All the while Little Miss Meya was hugging a soft baby doll happily laughing at her Brother zipping around her. Then she crawls up to me ( like she does soo much, shes my little attached one!) and reaches up for me and I pick her up and she layes her little sweet head on my shoulder ( this makes me tear up remembering yesterday) and she holds on tight and says ahh and we stayed like that for probably about a minute and and she lifts her head and wiggles down and carries on with her dolly at my feet and it had me thinking about those sweet moments and precious they are. Then I thought about my relationship with God this time of year and how I need to consciously steal moments with him all through out the day. How I want to live and breath God's word but not only for me selfishly but also for our children. I want so desperately to dig into God's word all Throughout my day not only in my "quite time" but all day. This time of year get so incredibly hectic and crazy and I need to stop and Steal precious moments with our Savior!
Matthew 11:28 says Come to me all who are weary and I will give you rest
Deuteronomy 4:29 NKJV "But from there you will seek the LORD your God, and you will find Him if you seek Him with all your heart and with all your soul.
Jeremiah 24:7 NIV I will give them a heart to know me, that I am the LORD. They will be my people, and I will be their God, for they will return to me with all their heart.
God's word is filled with such scriptures that just bring such life to me. I feel like when I'm in thr presnse of the Lord in my quite time it helps me become the Wife I want to be, the Mom I strive to become and the friend and women God desires for me. My favorite verse that just speacks to me so much and just makes me want to dive in to his word all day through out my day is Hosea 6:3 NKJV Let us know, Let us pursue the knowledge of the LORD. His going forth is established as the morning; He will come to us like the rain, Like the latter and former rain to the earth.
It just really has me thinking since yesterday and this verse just litterally was like a fire cracker in my heart and I felt like it jump started me to live out those precious moments with God like we have with our sweet little ones! God I just pray right now to keep this desire and spark going in my heart all day to seek you and your word through out the day and not just in the mornings...
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Stealing Moments.........
Posted by The Striving Homeschool Mom at Wednesday, December 08, 2010 3 comments
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Playing Catch up!
I just can't believe that Thanksgiving is upon us and Christmas is just right around the corner! This is With Out A Doubt My Most Favorite Time of The Year!!!!!! Can I just tell you I can't wait to get the fall stuff put away and get the Christmas/Winter Decor out!!! But There this house is in need of some TLC before any of that can happen! I just feel like the weeks have been getting away from me and I just can't catch up! I'm Thankful for tomorrow where I have nothing planned but to get us back in some kind of order!! I need a day to "catch up"
Oh how God has blessed us with these 3 precious precious gems! As challenging as being a wife and Mommy can be, I truly believe it's because of them I have the relationship with God that I do now! Believe me when I tell you that being a Mommy to 3 has its Ups and Downs. Our latest struggle has been 2 things, One our sweet little girl has yet ANOTHER ear infection, she is scheduled to have tubes on the 16th of Dec. and that can't come quick enough! My poor little girl. Over the last 6 -8 months this little girl has suffered from Ear infection after Ear infection, and she seems to have the same problem our little guy Bryce had, The way God designed their little ears the fluid is unable to drain and since we don't live in a "Bubble" *wink* we go to church and Mady is in school and we have MOPS and what not so there is germs and she gets a cold and it turns into an ear infection *whew*! SO needless to say that this Momma and little girl haven't been getting so much sleep especially lately! Some nights are a little more tough than others but I really try to think and act as if this is only a phase and I keep thinking when they get a older I will miss the nights when they need me! But thats tough and it got me thinking Sometimes I think God wants us to stay in a ceritain stage in our Walk with him because he is still working in us and wants to either Show us something new or teach us a lesson that we (I) haven't yet figured out or whatever so for all these *stages* I'm thankful even if they are a little painful. What I have learned is that I'm thankful for this *stage* and For where we are in our life right now even though the nights can be long and mornings seem to come to early...
Here are a couple of pictures I wanted to share of Miss Meya a friend Bern took of her last week..Oh How i can't wait to print them out and frame all these Beautiful Pictures!! Enjoy!!
Posted by The Striving Homeschool Mom at Sunday, November 21, 2010 1 comments
Sunday, September 12, 2010
We Have a Soccer Player!!
Our Soccer star in the game!
Not so sure and hanging back with Daddy
Daddy helping Brycie with the drills and Mady watching
There he goes dribbling
So cute!!
We are soooo Excited Our Bryce (Brycie is what I call him) is playing Soccer! He's only 3 but it's so fun to watch him! We live in a township that you can start at 3! So he's been dying to play so yesterday was his first day! He plays at 9am so we loaded up the van with the kids and off we went he got up so early that morning so I said a prayer that he would still have fun! He did thank goodness but it was too funny to watch. It got off to a slow start the coach for his team never showed up so then someone stepped in they got their balls and their shirts which btw is like HUGE on him you saw. They gave him a childs med. 10-12 shirt on my little 3t man! LoL to cute though.. SO they were doing little drills and he was dribbling the ball and we were like whoa he has some natural talent well he went off course and landed in the big goal so cute! But then he said he was thirsty and hungry and was over it. He watched a bit and then when it came to play the other team he decided he was ready again lol too cute! All in all it ended up being a great day!! So fun!! ENjoy the pictures!!
Posted by The Striving Homeschool Mom at Sunday, September 12, 2010 1 comments
Thursday, September 9, 2010
1st Day of School
Our precious little ones ready and waiting for the bus to come!!!
Off to school I go!!
My Handsomely Silly Little Boy!! Love this kid!! Well You know I Love Them All but something with this guy that gets me!!
Our beautiful little girl!! How did these last 5 almost 6 years go so quickly?? Time Flies!!
Posted by The Striving Homeschool Mom at Thursday, September 09, 2010 0 comments
Saturday, August 28, 2010
These Last few days have sure felt like fall! Cool nights and for almost a solid week now we have had our window's OPEN! Yes you read that correctly the window's are OPEN!!!!!! Although that is about to change we are suppose to be back in the 90's this week :-( Which doesn't thrill me but Can I just tell you all I am sooooo ready for Fall. If any of you know me personally you would know that i just LOVE FALL I love everything fall, pumpkin bread, leaves changing, Fall festivals, camping ( well learning to like it haha) and apple picking ahh just everything but my most Favorite thing about fall is COOL weather!! Taking the kids outside and not sweating to death..
We have had such a FUN summer! I'm so thankful for the time I have spent with the kiddies ! Our oldest Madyson starts Kindergarten in a little over a week! I can't believe she is that old already..It makes me want to cry but yet I'm so excited for her and her new adventure! I read at Heather 's blog which i just LOVE is praying with your little ones before they go off to school. Now I know this may see obvious I did pray FOR her but I did fail to pray WITH her! I am so excited to get this going, but what I loved most about her blog post is what she prayed about what they prayed about like having good attitudes and so on, but I def. was inspired so Thanks Heather for that post!!
I'm sooo excited that we are getting the opportunity to go to Disney World in just a few short weeks!! I'm not sure who is more excited Jayson and I or the kiddo's. It's our first "real" vacation since we have been married and it's going on 9 years! We have the privilege of going with my parents and My younger sister we have a villa in Old Key West! We just can't wait! We are so excited just thinking about it!! WE are so thankful we are able to do this! For those of you who don't know my dad has been sick the last 3 1/2 years with Prostate cancer and he is well enough right now to go and his dream was to take the kids meaning grand kids to Disney and he is getting to! This is HUGE for us and Makes me get all teary eyed just knowing how much fun we will have and seeing My dads face when he sees the kids' faces light up! It's been a LONG road the last year with his health and we are sooo thankful the good Lord has allowed for this trip to happen. So please keep my family in your prayers. I don't mention it hardly ever on here because it's something that's so hard for me to talk about let alone think about at times....
Well it's getting late and we have church in the morning! Just wanted to write a quick post and catch everyone back up! Hope all is well with you all
Posted by The Striving Homeschool Mom at Saturday, August 28, 2010 1 comments
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Fun Summer!!
We have had such a fun summer so far!! I can't believe today is the first day in August!! My Birthday is in a couple of day and I can't believe it but I will be 29! My last year in my twenty's isn't that crazy!!! Just crazy! LoL God has been so good to me and I'm so thankful for another year! I am amazed that we have 3 absoltuly Beautiful Children!! Such amazing blessings! My wonderful husband! I am in just awe of the things our Lord has been doing ! The above Picture is Madyson and Bryce at My Mom and dad's house running and having fun! Warning Picture overload haha!!
I grew up in Ocean Grove NJ and the above picture was on one of our walks through town in EArly July! If you dont know anything about Ocean Grove it's known as God's Square Mile! The town is only 1 square mile and it's an old Methodist Camp Meeting town. The building about is the Auditorium That's where many many preachers have come and christian singers We have haerd some amazing people speack the world Everyone from Charles Stanley who comes every summer to music artits like Amy Grant (who my mom just saw last night there) to Newsboys who will back at the end of the summer, to Micheal W. Smith, Steven Curtis Champman, Big Daddy Weave, Petra and white heart ( do you you all remember them?? that dates us huh?)
Where else can you go to see a Scrpiture of the day on the beach every day??? Only in Ocean Grove!
Here's a copule of pictures of Jayson's Grandpop's BBQ he only lives 1/2 mile from our house but lives on the a beautiful Lake, Lake Lenape and they have Fire works every year This is Mady and (Jayson's sister's little boy) Johnny! Sweet cousins
Oh that sweet boy of ours!! He just melts my heart!!
Sweet Cousins Bella and Bryce!
On Borardwalk in Ocean Grove my little man being his goofy self!!
Fun at friends house playing in the pool
Meya holding her cup for the first time
These next few pictures were from the begininng of June I threw a little surprise party for Jayson for his birthday! We had it at my Inlaws! We had so much fun!!
Jayson and some of our friends!! We had so much fun I should upload more pictures!! We had Blast!!! This summer has been sooooo fun! I can't believe it's August!! Where has the time gone????
“Remain in me, and I will remain in you.” John 15:4 -- “I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may
be complete.” (v.11)
Posted by The Striving Homeschool Mom at Sunday, August 01, 2010 0 comments
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Brycie's 3rd Birthday!
Our Sweet Boy is 3!! How did that happen!! We Love you More than words can say Bryson!! You bring such laughter and smiles to our home! Your sister's adore you and Are soo happy!! Now if we can get you to go on the potty that we would be set!! But we are working on that!!
Brycie and his cousin jake
Daddy and Bryce taking a swim at Aunt Sandi's and Uncle David's pool on his bithday
I can't get over how big you are getting!! I blink and you grew up to an adorable sweet boy!!
Here's his Birthday Cake!! I made it! Don't laugh too hard, I got the idea from Bettycrocker.com
I used the Red White and Blue color's since his birthday is the 4th of July!! Bryce we love you more than words could express and we are so..........Thankful God Gave us you!!!! XoXo
Posted by The Striving Homeschool Mom at Thursday, July 29, 2010 0 comments
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Playing Catch Up
Madyson's Field Day
So much has happend since I last blogged. Mostly good and some Sad :-( But you know what God has been good through it all and continues to show us how faithful he is! Some things happen I believe in life to draw us closer to the Lord even when it seems so had to understand or to even wrap your mind around! Let's start with the good and I'll save the sad for another post!Madyson had field day at school! She had a blast! But Man it was a HOT day!! The kids had a blast!!
They played all kinds of fun games!! Some had water and some just different obstacles!This is What Bryce did played with our neighbor friend Julian at the water table!! The boys had so much fun
This was Meya the whole time she was so content and sweet sitting there smiling and playing with her toy!! What a blessing these little kids are!! God we thank you for these special blessings!!!
The last thing they did was have an ice cream party to finish off such a fun day!!!
Posted by The Striving Homeschool Mom at Thursday, July 15, 2010 0 comments
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Meya Hope is 5 Months old now!
My little sweet precious girl Meya Hope is now 5 months old ! Well she was on the 18th but I forgot to post then! What are you up to these days? You smile ALL the time!! Most days you don't cry or fuss at all!! You LOVE your big SiStEr and BrOtHeR! You think they are the coolest things! You are quite the Momma's girl! You Love to be in your Momma's arms! You stare at Daddy!! From the Second he walks in the door at night you just smile and stare! You are QUITE the talker! In recent weeks you have discovered your voice!! SO sweet but LOUD!! It's so funny because it's like you know that you need to be heard over everyone! I'm not sure how much you weigh, You were 17lbs at your 4 month appointment and we go back next month for your 6th month! How come time is going by so quickly?!?! I want it to slow down and enjoy every second! We are enjoying you sooo much!! You have brought so much happiness to our family and turly make our family complete!! We thank the good Lord for you everyday and can't imagine life with out you!! You like Rice Cereal, butternut squash and peas! You were just about sleeping through the night but the last couple nights you have been getting up 2-3 times and that has to change LoL your Momma is quite tired! Meya Hope Mommy and Daddy, Mady and Brycie love you more than you can ever know and we are so thankful for you in our family!! XoXo
I prayed for this child and the Lord has granted me what I asked! 1 Samuel 1 :27
Posted by The Striving Homeschool Mom at Thursday, May 27, 2010 0 comments
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
A Trip to the Zoo!
My Sweet husband called me Friday from his office to let me know he planned a family trip for Saturday to the Zoo! We only live about 40 minutes from the Cape May County Zoo and it was a great day! It was a little on the overcast side but it actually made for a perfect day! We got subs and I packed some drinks and heading out of the house a little after 9! It was great because we got there just as it opened at 10 and stayed until about 11:30 then we got our picnic stuff out! As we were getting set up there were tons and tons of people coming in the the zoo! I'm so glad we went early. I can't believe I forgot to take pictures of our little picnic! But just as we were heading out the heavens opened up and it started pouring!!
So all in all it was a great day!My little smiling Girl! This is how she was the EnTiRe Time!! What a sweet precious blessing she is to our family! God is good!
DAddy showing his littlest girl some turtles she LoVeD looking around!
Jayson's little Mini-me Bryce! Bryce just LoVeS being with his daddy!
Bryce was so excited to be so close to the Bears! Momma on the other hand was thankful that there were 2 different fences up!
Isn't this little guy weird looking? Well he is the worlds largest Rodent! He looked like a Giant Rat but they said he weighted like 60 lbs?! Craziness
Both Kids that this Bison was neat Madyson said he needed a good hair cut LoL!
There are my 2 precious little ones! I'm telling you our Mady-girl is getting so Tall!! She has got such Long thin legs! (Man do i wish I had those LoL) She's getting so big I can't even believe school will be over in 2 weeks and then we will have a girl who will be in Kindergarten! How did that happen?? Bryce will be 3 July 4th and I can't believe that either! Time is going by tooo quickly! We are trying to preserve every minute with these precious little gifts!!! Hope you all enjoyed a nice weekend !!!
11 You will be made rich in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God. 2 Corinthians 9:11
Posted by The Striving Homeschool Mom at Tuesday, May 25, 2010 0 comments
Sunday, May 16, 2010
What's this 2 posts in a matter of days??
We had such a FuN weekend!! Saturday Morning we headed off to Jayson's parents church to pick out some flowers and herbs and veggies for our garden at the Annual Flower Sale their church puts on and we got some GREAT Deals and we got to support a church which is score all the way around!!
Bryce and his Nana (Jayson's grandmother)
She was such a good helper!!!!
Then we picked up some subs and headed to a County park and the kids were so excited but of course I forgot to take pictures while we were eating ! We had so much fun but it was sooo windy so we didn't get to stay as Long as we would've liked to still fun!!
Our smiley little Meya!! So Happy All the Time! Just Loves taking in the sites!
My slider!! Loves his slide!!! with his staticy hair so cute!
I know I'm his Momma but come on look at that precious face! I could just eat him up!! Those Bright blue eyes like her Daddy!
My princess is always in a Dress LOVE it!! What a girlie girl! Staticy hair after sliding!
Then Sunday after church we headed to a Local Town Smithville who has their annual May Fest So fun, good food, neat vendor's and just an all around beautiful day The weather could not have been more perfect it was 73 with a light breeze and not a cloud in the sky! The kid had a so much fun! I had to get my favorite Butterfly Fries, Jayson got his favorite Buffalo Tail Tenders, and Daddy and Bryce road the Train I think Bryce was in Heaven and Mady waited so patiently to get her face painted So cute! Jayson's Parents and Nana came with us today! Such a fun day
Jaysons dad and the kids!
My beautiful butterly
In heaven on the train!! Hope you all enjoyed your weekend as much as we did!!
Posted by The Striving Homeschool Mom at Sunday, May 16, 2010 0 comments