My little sweet precious girl Meya Hope is now 5 months old ! Well she was on the 18th but I forgot to post then! What are you up to these days? You smile ALL the time!! Most days you don't cry or fuss at all!! You LOVE your big SiStEr and BrOtHeR! You think they are the coolest things! You are quite the Momma's girl! You Love to be in your Momma's arms! You stare at Daddy!! From the Second he walks in the door at night you just smile and stare! You are QUITE the talker! In recent weeks you have discovered your voice!! SO sweet but LOUD!! It's so funny because it's like you know that you need to be heard over everyone! I'm not sure how much you weigh, You were 17lbs at your 4 month appointment and we go back next month for your 6th month! How come time is going by so quickly?!?! I want it to slow down and enjoy every second! We are enjoying you sooo much!! You have brought so much happiness to our family and turly make our family complete!! We thank the good Lord for you everyday and can't imagine life with out you!! You like Rice Cereal, butternut squash and peas! You were just about sleeping through the night but the last couple nights you have been getting up 2-3 times and that has to change LoL your Momma is quite tired! Meya Hope Mommy and Daddy, Mady and Brycie love you more than you can ever know and we are so thankful for you in our family!! XoXo
I prayed for this child and the Lord has granted me what I asked! 1 Samuel 1 :27
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Meya Hope is 5 Months old now!
Posted by The Striving Homeschool Mom at Thursday, May 27, 2010 0 comments
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
A Trip to the Zoo!
My Sweet husband called me Friday from his office to let me know he planned a family trip for Saturday to the Zoo! We only live about 40 minutes from the Cape May County Zoo and it was a great day! It was a little on the overcast side but it actually made for a perfect day! We got subs and I packed some drinks and heading out of the house a little after 9! It was great because we got there just as it opened at 10 and stayed until about 11:30 then we got our picnic stuff out! As we were getting set up there were tons and tons of people coming in the the zoo! I'm so glad we went early. I can't believe I forgot to take pictures of our little picnic! But just as we were heading out the heavens opened up and it started pouring!!
So all in all it was a great day!My little smiling Girl! This is how she was the EnTiRe Time!! What a sweet precious blessing she is to our family! God is good!
DAddy showing his littlest girl some turtles she LoVeD looking around!
Jayson's little Mini-me Bryce! Bryce just LoVeS being with his daddy!
Bryce was so excited to be so close to the Bears! Momma on the other hand was thankful that there were 2 different fences up!
Isn't this little guy weird looking? Well he is the worlds largest Rodent! He looked like a Giant Rat but they said he weighted like 60 lbs?! Craziness
Both Kids that this Bison was neat Madyson said he needed a good hair cut LoL!
There are my 2 precious little ones! I'm telling you our Mady-girl is getting so Tall!! She has got such Long thin legs! (Man do i wish I had those LoL) She's getting so big I can't even believe school will be over in 2 weeks and then we will have a girl who will be in Kindergarten! How did that happen?? Bryce will be 3 July 4th and I can't believe that either! Time is going by tooo quickly! We are trying to preserve every minute with these precious little gifts!!! Hope you all enjoyed a nice weekend !!!
11 You will be made rich in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God. 2 Corinthians 9:11
Posted by The Striving Homeschool Mom at Tuesday, May 25, 2010 0 comments
Sunday, May 16, 2010
What's this 2 posts in a matter of days??
We had such a FuN weekend!! Saturday Morning we headed off to Jayson's parents church to pick out some flowers and herbs and veggies for our garden at the Annual Flower Sale their church puts on and we got some GREAT Deals and we got to support a church which is score all the way around!!
Bryce and his Nana (Jayson's grandmother)
She was such a good helper!!!!
Then we picked up some subs and headed to a County park and the kids were so excited but of course I forgot to take pictures while we were eating ! We had so much fun but it was sooo windy so we didn't get to stay as Long as we would've liked to still fun!!
Our smiley little Meya!! So Happy All the Time! Just Loves taking in the sites!
My slider!! Loves his slide!!! with his staticy hair so cute!
I know I'm his Momma but come on look at that precious face! I could just eat him up!! Those Bright blue eyes like her Daddy!
My princess is always in a Dress LOVE it!! What a girlie girl! Staticy hair after sliding!
Then Sunday after church we headed to a Local Town Smithville who has their annual May Fest So fun, good food, neat vendor's and just an all around beautiful day The weather could not have been more perfect it was 73 with a light breeze and not a cloud in the sky! The kid had a so much fun! I had to get my favorite Butterfly Fries, Jayson got his favorite Buffalo Tail Tenders, and Daddy and Bryce road the Train I think Bryce was in Heaven and Mady waited so patiently to get her face painted So cute! Jayson's Parents and Nana came with us today! Such a fun day
Jaysons dad and the kids!
My beautiful butterly
In heaven on the train!! Hope you all enjoyed your weekend as much as we did!!
Posted by The Striving Homeschool Mom at Sunday, May 16, 2010 0 comments
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Where Have I Been!??!
I feel like it has yet again been quite some time since I have blogged. Let me just tell you things around here have been CRAZY to say the least!!! Things especially the last few weeks have just seemed to almost out of control at times, but you know what the best part of it all is? That even when I feel out of control and our lives seem out of control and we can't seem to control things that come up in life we have a GOD who is ALWAYS in Control !! Oh my that give me such peace just saying that out loud! We serve an AmAzInG GOD who is constantly in control!! *Sigh* such freedom comes from knowing that! Lately through certain circumstances i have been Clinging to this verse Exodus 14:14 "The Lord will FIGHT for you ! You NEED only to BE Still!!" Those of you who are my friends on facebook know that lately I have been saying that verse a lot and it has also become our verse to memorize with the kids! That has been so encourage also is seeing my little ones just soak up God's word!!! Melts my heart to hear my little Bryce and Mady girl recite Scripture! I know it makes Jesus smile to just hear his little ones recite his word!!
So Lets see, about a month ago my dad had to go in to get his appendix out, which probally does not seem like a big deal to most but he has cancer and it makes things a bit more complicated! I can't go into great detail but if you could PLEASE PLEASE keep my parents and us in your prayers I would greatly appreciate it. He was not doing so well for a while but lately the last week or so with help from a medicine that makes him want to eat since the chemo makes him not even want to think about food, he seems to be doing a little better. As most of you know who has ever had a loved one suffer from cancer it can be such a LONG and SCARY road and the un-known with what will happen next can be so hard! Thanks!
Then My little Brycie man gave us quite a scare a week and half a go! I yes Me the horrible Mother that I am gave him a peanut butter cookie, You know one of those take and bake kinds from Aldi's? But Up until this point we had no indication that he was allergic to peanuts! Well anyways not more than 2 minutes later Bryce threw up everywhere and then started sneezing over and over, coughing like a deep gasping croupy cough and while Jayson put him in the tub I immediatly called his doctor, He told me to give him a dose of bendryl so i did and then he asked me to hold the phone up to Bryce so he could here him, and he said "I need to listen to him so I know whether or not to call 911 or send you straight to the ER" Well as you could imagine as a Mommy my heart just about popped out of my chest and I started crying and of course got really scared Jayson on the other hand was my ROCK as usual! and he stayed come and we ended up taking him to the ER and by the time we got there Praise God for that! Oh also his eyes and lips swelled as well! If you could also keep Bryce in your prayers we got some lab work done from his allergist and we have to run another panel because some things came up and they needed to test him again. The first thing is that came back is he has something where his immune system is fighting against him and that could be one of the reasons why he has such issues with his skin and something else! So the prayers would be great! Thanks!
My poor husband has been working REALLY long hours and he has just been swamped at work and the poor guy has really been struggling with his Depression and it's really been hard on all of us, But God has once again gotten us through and carried us also! It's been really tough but God is good!
Last Friday we FINALLY did Mady's 1st friend Party ever! Only 4 1/2 months later!! We had originally planned it for a weekend in Feb. but we got that Massive snow storm and then we tried in March and 3 out of the 6 little girls came down with the stomach bug and so we canceled then . I decided to wait until spring to throw it in hopes that everyone would be healthy! It worked! I feel like a bad Mommy but truly her birthday falls right in between Christmas and New years so it's too crazy of a time of the year to try to do anything but this worked out beautifully! We had my sister in law Kerry come and she did updo's and her sister in law come and do some portraits of the girls and we had Pizza, and a Candy bar little goodie bags with Tinker belle theme and then we decorated our own cupcakes wither pink or purple icing! The girls had such a great time and I know it will be something she will never forget! Such fun times! Here are some pictures!
My precious little girl on her special day!! The one of Bryce is so funny to me he spent most of the night in his room playing with what he calls his "Boy Toys! " Ha! Enjoy!! Hope you all are doing well and I think I got you all just about up to speed with with everything!
Posted by The Striving Homeschool Mom at Thursday, May 13, 2010 1 comments