Monday, December 3, 2012

A little project....

A few weeks ago. On a dark Monday night, I was taking Madyson and her friend Julia home from dance. On the side of the road there were 2 of these chairs. Who doesn't like a good trash find and a fun project? I sure do !

I needed some extra chairs for our Kitchen. We have an eaten pitch with only 4 chairs. We are constantly dragging a chair in from the dining room in at dinner. It's getting a little annoying so when I saw these chairs I couldn't pass them up! I decided to step out of my comfort zone a little bit and go with a more "bold" color. I choose like a cranberry red. Because of my love for Primitive decor and such My family calls it "The Mommy Red" ...I'm super excited they way they came out!
These pictures came out way brighter than the actual color! I took them with my iPhone so it's real natural light ha!
Here is a view from the back. What a fun, easy, inexpensive way to add some color in our kitchen. For Around $9 I think that was a steal! Blessings Stacey

Friday, November 30, 2012

My little sickie!

Earlier this week our oldest was a bit under the weather! Home for a couple of days after a long weekend could make for a long few days! So when our Mady girl was feeling better it was time for Manicures!! One of my mom favorite things to do as a Mommy of 2 girls is manicures!!

A few of our essentials! Of course you need Hot pink and Glitter!
It was a sweet little bit of time with my sweet girl! She's getting so big! I can't believe that a month from today she will be turning 8! Wow time has gone so fast! Madyson has such a sweet heart and compassionate heart! She can be quite strong willed at times, but God is good and strengths us and helps us through those times. She LOVES Jesus and wants nothing more then to please him....What more could a momma ask for!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Our Thanksgiving...

Happy Thanksgiving!!! It's been forever and a day since I have posted! But I am determined to get back on track with blogging! It's something I so much enjoy and I want to remember and capture the fun things we do and all the incredible Blessings the Lord has so graciously given to us! So here's hoping that this time I stay with it! Ha!! We had the pleasure of hosting Thanksgiving this year!! What a blast it was! Growing up my parents home was the place to gather for just about all our holidays! I loved it. Both my Mom and Dad truly enjoyed opening up out home to family and friends. I have such awesome memories growing up with all my cousins around and Aunts and Uncles and I want our kids to experience the same thing! I LOVE to cook and entertain, so it was so nice to be able to do it! We had about 20 people and it was great! Here's the turkey I made it was so good and everyone seemed to enjoy!

Can you believe the only other picture I got on that day was this one our oldest Madyson and our nephew John. They are only 9 months apart and it's so crazy to see them growing up so fast!!
We have so MUCH to be Thankful for this year. God has poured our blessings to us that we are so humbled by. Jayson recently got a new job that he absolutely LOVES! (Praise him that is so important for a man isn't it? You need to LOVE what you do right?)"Enter his gates with thanksgiving; go into his courts with praise. Give thanks to him and praise his name. For the Lord is good. His unfailing love continues forever, and his faithfulness continues to each generation. (Psalms 100:4, 5 NLT) Doesn't that just sum it all up? Our God is so good to us. We need to have that same Thankful heart all the time that we do on Thanksgiving! That is my prayer to be thankful in all circumstances and all the time! I can't stop thanking God for all things he has done. We have had a crazy season in our life and it seemed to last forever!!!!! It started almost 2 years ago around the time my daddy passed away :( It was crazy before that since my dad suffered from cancer, but around the time of his passing God allowed a crazy challenging time in our lives. Even though things were incredible difficult and uncertain (My husband lost his job 2 weeks after my dad's passing) and trails seem to keep on coming. I am so thankful for that time also because it helped so much draw us closer to him and strength our relationship with him so much. We clung to Exodus 14:14 The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still easier said then done... so hard to be still and let God work ...but through it all we are thankful and humbled by all God has done! Back to Thanksgiving :) My mom came down and was able to spend the night with us which was AWESOME! I don't know who enjoyed it more me or the kids ha! But Black Friday instead of hitting the store (like we did before we had kids!) we started a new tradition a few years ago and we stay in and decorate for Christmas! The kids LOVE it and so do we! It's the perfect time since the house is so fresh and clean! Beats beating the crowd any day!!
That's my Momma and our littlest who is almost 3! We stayed in our Pj's and just really enjoyed our day! We did 2 trees this year a kids one where we let them pick out the lights and ornaments and such and our tree Primitive/Country and exactly how I like it haha! So fun to have 2 trees!!
That's the kids tree finished! I thought they did great!!
Kids helping daddy with our tree in the dining room
Our Finished product!! House is decorated! LOVE This Christmas season!!! Blessings Stacey xo

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Great Friends and Sunday Night Nertz!!!!

I feel so blessed that for about a year now a group of us from our church ( and our MOPS group have gotten together just about every Sunday evening at 8pm to play a crazy fun cards game called NERTZ! Now I know it's a big hit in the midwest but it's new to us here on the east coast. A dear friend and one of our Pastor's wives Jennifer Christensen brought it back to us girls after a visit to Iowa to visit family and their Mops Ladies were playing. It was a huge hit and I can say each of us absolutely LOVE and very much look forward to it each week!!

As awesome as the game is the fellowship is probably the one thing that keeps me and the other mommies coming back for more each week. We have talked about EVERYTHING!! These women have truly become my closest friends and it's been such an encouragement to me! I'm so thankful to these wonderful ladies. Each week we rotate houses basically whom ever is up for having us over and we get together sometimes snack and get to playing! Some nights well most lately we have had enough to split up into 2 different places to play. The one picture of us all is from Pastor Steve and Jenn Christensen's going away party. The ministry has taken them back to Iowa closer to both their families so it has been quite a sad time for all of us. The other picture of us around the cards was last Sunday evening. Some (me) of us in our PJ's which is usually the case. Ha! But seriously these Ladies are such special women of God and I love these ladies dearly! If you have never heard of Nertz here is a link where eyou can learn how to play whom all else plays?!?!?

Monday, July 23, 2012

A little Pinterest Project

I am sure I am not alone in that I am slightly addicted to Pinterest! IT's a world for some like me a want to be crafter who things I can create most things on there! Ha but actually I have made a few things and I am enjoying discovering my inner wanna crafter and I must say It's fun!!! I have my grandmothers jewelry box which is a priceless treasure to me, but doesn't allow for much store for my earrings, so I've been on the hunt for something functional and cute so of course I found something on here which I love! It's such a simple thing and I have all the supplies except the screen, so Off to Home Depot I went and got some screen! The screen i could only find in a roll and wow there is A LOT of that left so it looks like I am going to be making these for birthdays coming UP!! All you need: 1) is picture frame of your choice, (I used an 8x10 i got a yard sale for 50 cents) 2) Spray Paint 3) Hot glue 3) Screen

In the above picture I had a can of a darker red which matches our bedding so I choose that and spray painted in in the garage
After I let that dry, I used the back of the frame and cut the screen a little larger than the 8 x10 and then used a hot a glue gun
Then Used the fork to secure it in and make sure it, when it dried i cute the excess screen of the back and hung it on the side of my Armoire!!
I just LOVE the way it turned out and I am so excited it's so functional! I am sure if you had a large amount of earrings you can make it much larger or if you wanna make a little gift with it you could take a smaller one and do the same thing!! LOVE IT!!!

Friday, May 4, 2012


Hi Everyone! Welcome! I have been dying to get back into blogging so being that Kellys Korner is hosting "Wanna make some new friends" I figured this would be a great time to do so! I'm Stacey From South Jersey. I grew up in Central Jersey in a small town only 1 square mile Ocean Grove. you know the kind of place that still has a main street and everyone knows everyone? That was it! Then I met my husband while I was a senior in high school at a Christian Camp and basically the rest is history!! We now live in south jersey where he was born and raised and have just celebrated in Feb. our 10th wedding Anniversary have 3 great amazing kids Madyson 7, Bryson 4, and Meya (Mia) Hope 2. We love God. We try to do our best to show others his love! We love our church We've had a quite a journey! Please look around and see what we are all about from precious blog post and I hope to get to know you too! Thanks for stopping by and leave a comment! Thanks for stopping by Blessings, Stacey

Friday, March 9, 2012

A wife, Mother and Ministry leader

Hi Everyone over from!! Welcome to my little corner of the world! At first I wasn't sure if I should link up but I decided to! I am on Staff at our church and Have been since Sept. 2011 . I am a wife, Mommy of 3 and part-time Nursery Coordinator at our church! I work up to 8 hours a week and am so thankful that the Lord put me where I am! I am still able to be a full time Mommy and wife but I also get out just a little bit.
My job basically includes staffing our Volunteers for 3 services which are Saturday night at 5:30 and 2 Sunday Morning serves. My area we have 3 rooms and the are Guppies babies up to 1, the Turtles 1 year old room, and our Starfish who are 2! On weekends we have about 30 Volunteers I over see. I know most of you are from the south, but here in NJ I'm so thankful that God lead us to our church a little over 6 years ago!
Just to give you a little history on me and my husband, We both grew up in church our parents were both very active in ministry but our families were not pastors, they were active members in our churches, where our parents showed us what it meant to serve God weekly through the gifts of not only our money but how it was just as important to serve him and his people. Our parents were ushers (dads of course), Sunday School teachers and Superindendts, served in the kitchen for many meals being served. Youth group leaders the list goes on. It is there where both my husband and I understood what it means to be in ministry real ministry reaching real people through everyday life. I think sometimes people think you are only in ministry if your parents or you are pastors or Missionarys, but I want to encourage everyone that we are in ministry everyday of our lives. My mom taught me very early on that when you say you are a Christian it's a huge responsibility because people will always be watching how you live your life. How you handle situations and how you all others to see God as a very real and big part of your life. It is something both my husband and I hope we teach our children and instill in them to be in ministry in their churches with their families. It's very important for us to be examples to our children and teach them what it means to serve our amazing God!!!

I will tell you a little bit about us, My husband Jayson and I have been married 10 years and we have 3 amazing kids and an exchange student. We have Madyson who is 7, Bryce who is 4 1/2 and Meya (Mia) Hope who is 2. Our exchange student her name is Lingya in chinese but in English her name is Sandy. She goes to our local Christain School and will be with our family until June. She hopes and we do too that she will come back and stay with our family again next year. That is something else i want to touch on really quick. Sandy is a Christain she excepted Jesus into her heart last year when she was here in America going to school we are also ministers to her. We may very well be the only examples of Christians she will ever see in her life and that is not something we want to take lightly. Anways back to our family. I lost my dad last Feb. 2011 to a long fight with cancer. he is now in the best place ever but we miss him terribly here. I hope you enjoyed stoping by and please leave a comment and let me know you were here! Thanks so much

About Me

My photo
Hi & Welcome to my little corner of the "world" I'm Stacey a wife to my loving husband Jayson, and Mom to 3 kids, Madyson 11, Bryce 9 & Little Miss Meya (Mia) Hope who is 6. I hope you will find me striving to be a good Godly, wife, Mom, homeschool mom. I definitely don't have it all together but I'm striving to be better everyday. Here you will find recipe's, DIY's, Homeschool stuff, and everything in-between! Will you join me?